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Why Heels?

Have you ever heard the old saying: "You can't understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes."


Walking in heels can be tough, just like facing abuse. This community event encourages participants to step out of their comfort zone and walk a mile in solidarity for just one mile.


If you find walking in heels easy, think of the current victims and survivors. It’s uplifting to see community members not only willing to listen but also to take action, forming alliances and demonstrating commitment. This team-building event sparks vital conversations about various forms of abuse, both before and long after.


The visual impact of this public statement on listening, learning, allyship, and commitment is remarkable. It engages the community in discussions about human trafficking and the different forms for domestic violence. ​


Objectives of Walking A Mile In A Victims Shoes are to:

Creating an unforced conversation on how participants can help prevent violence. 


  • Raising awareness and fostering empathy.

  • Encourage participants to actively think about what they can do in their personal and/or professional lives to help prevent violence against women.

  • Begin a rights-based discussion and analysis of common perceptions about violence against women.


Who participates in Walk A Mile In A Victims Shoes?  

Walk A Mile In A Victims Shoes is designed to reach a wide range of people, institutions, organizations, and community members.


We also encourage our community -electives, police officers, teachers, and other service providers. There are many teachable moments when walking “in the shoes” of victims experiencing violence.


Walk A Mile In A Victims Shoes is not recommended for victims currently experiencing violence as the exercise may provoke strong triggers and youth under the age of 18.​​




  • 4 PM Check- In

  • 6 PM Walk Begins

  • 7 PM After Party

  • $35   Registration​



Katie Magrath Schnieder



Gift Wyatt & Abby Lenderman​


+ Register spot early to receive participation bag that includes; shirt, shoes, number card and all things needed to participate.​



Individual & Team Best Banner

+ Most creative hells

+ Individual & Team Best Chant


Banners provided by



Corporations, Local Businesses, Organizations & Agencies 


​There are numerous benefits to coming together as a team to achieve a common goal. This means there is a conversation well before the day of the walk. Teams can develop unified chants, add words or bling to your t-shirts or heels.​​


Showing up is key. And. self reflecting on who you can

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